Certainly, there are important strategic matters at stake.(的确,这里涉及到一些存亡攸关的重大战略问题。)
At stake is more than grumbling by domestic consumers.(更严峻的问题是国内消费者的日益增长的不满情绪。)
Not only Belarus is at stake.(处于危险境地的不仅仅是白俄罗斯。)
Don't be lazy here, there's a friendship at stake!(在这部分千万不要偷懒,因为你们的友谊正危如累卵!)
The prize at stake is a place in the final.(这次如果获胜,便能进入决赛。)
Unless, of course, you have an interest at stake.(当然,如果威胁到你的利益,就得另当别论。)
With so much at stake, the Inuit are determined to play a key role in teasing out the mysteries of climate change in the Arctic.(面临如此多的危险,因纽特人决心在揭开北极气候变化之谜方面发挥关键作用。)
Japan has much at stake and could contribute much.(日本是一把双刃剑,危险与贡献并存。)
Future global hegemony is at stake.(未来的全球霸权在面临关键时刻。)
The details may seem arcane, but huge sums are at stake.(细节可能显得晦涩难懂,但这涉及大笔金额。)
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